We are your favorite creative space.

Montoya Coleman photo at Blank Canvas Studios DFW

Here’s A Little About Us…

Okay, let’s be honest… Most people don’t really read the “About Us” sections of websites. For this very reason, Blank Canvas Studios DFW exists. I know it may not make sense yet, but keep reading. Really, keep reading. We are a few creatives that wanted to start a business that would become a space for creatives. We saw a trend in the photography and videography industry and wanted to do it differently.

Keep Reading… Seriously

We live in a world of pictures, videos, podcasts, social media, and a constant desire to connect with new audiences so that we can live our best life. We know that video and images are the future and we provide space for you to do both. This is the short version. Lastly, we are real people who love to laugh, joke, have fun, and empower creatives to turn their creativity into careers.

Come Fill The Canvas